◆DLC追加要素その1(Additional DLC Element #1)◆
■Unlimited in-game action power
*Press the K button during search to recover to MAX.
*在搜尋過程中按下 K 鍵可恢復至最大?。
◆DLC追加要素その2(Additional DLC Element #2)◆
■Unlimited use of magic and traps
*An LP+10000 button will be added to the home screen to allow easy purchase of magic.
*主畫面上新?了 LP+10000 按鈕,可輕鬆購買魔法。
◆DLC追加要素その3(Additional DLC Element #3)◆
■All H-scenes in Gallery mode are released
*With ON/OFF function.It can also be restored to its original state.
■畫廊模式下的所有 H 場景均已釋放
*This can only be added if the game is a FANZA version.
This patch adds new elements to ’異世界樹の巫女〜魔法のチカラでおさわりHやりたい放題〜’.
’異世界樹の巫女〜魔法のチカラでおさわりHやりたい放題〜’ itself is required.
◆反映方法(Method of applying)◆
1. Move the ’DLC’ folder into the folder containing the main game.
2. Click iSekaiju.exe to start the game.
1.將 ’DLC ’資料夾移至包含主遊戲的資料夾中。
2.點選 iSekaiju.exe ?動遊戲。