Locofuria [Locofuria]FT Art Book #2 Details:This artbook is based on all Locofuria’s comics that were made over the years 2015-2016. The first 7 pages was d... 2024.07.17 Locofuria
Locofuria [Locofuria]FT Art Book Synopsis:This artbook is based on all Locofuria’s comics that were made over the years 2013-2015. All designs were made ... 2024.04.13 Locofuria
Locofuria [Locofuria]S〇ilor Moon Monster Book Description:This artbook is based on monster women selected from the classic series, S〇ilor Moon. In this, we see the be... 2023.10.27 Locofuria
Locofuria [Locofuria]Were-Grimm #3 Were-Grimm #3Yang Xiao possesed by the Ursa Major.Specifications:-Pages: 8-TF: Possession / Ursa Major / Female Muscle G... 2023.10.24 Locofuria